Bollywood News


Not all women are dolls, and that's more than okay. in fact, it's better. - Saloni Chopra

Not all women are dolls, and that's more than okay. in fact, it's better.
- Saloni Chopra

saloni chopra official "I love myself but I think I'll love myself more if I am thinner

If I had a $ for every time we say this i'd be a billionaire

I've had trainers tell me how women should

"look a certain way" so it's important to work out & be skinny, but also not work out too much because you want to still be feminine all along hinting that our boobs must remain intact.

Basically, don't work out so much that you lose your tits, ladies.

Tasked an ex-trainer about cellulite & he said

if she's got cellulite then she's doing something wrong - cellulite is not normal, you can fix it"

"Not normal?"

I'm sick & tired of the standards we build around what's normal / what's not.

Women that starve themselves to make it on runways seem normal to you?
Actors that take diarrhoea tablets the night before bikini scenes seem normal to you?

Eating disorders seem not

to you?

Self loathing seem normal to you?

Our society has very warped & shitty ways of telling women when they should feel beautiful.

Real women have scars, & what we call "flaws

but are actually just your body's journey & the more you hate the way you look in order to look like another woman, the more miserable you're going to be.

Bloating, cellulite, stretch marks, lines, scars, pigment, hair, wrinkles are NORMAL.
I've spent so many years waking up & hating my body on some days because I just wish I was "a little taller" or "a little thinner" or "a little curvier" & you lie to yourself so much, saying it's about the fitness..

if it were about fitness you'd be actively doing things you LOVE instead of being worried about the clothes you don't fit into.

If it were about fitness then we wouldn't aim to fit into a summer bikini or a wedding dress.

Fitness & health are lifestyle choices - it's how you choose to live longer & better,

NOT how pretty you are.


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