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Painting, meet world. World, meet... c'mon i'm proud of this edit - Saloni Chopra Talk About This - Hawas Laundaa

Painting, meet world. World, meet... c'mon i'm proud of this edit.

We're going to talk about this because I spent

all day watching #indian matchmaking which

obviously due to it's very jarring content has been the controversy in town! Free publicity, good for them.

At least it got us talking about a HUGE

problem, right??

You've all been asking me to talk about this & here's the thing. I think Sima is a product of her own patriarchal environment. I'd tell you she's a victim of her own choices" but sometimes wonder if some women even had choices to make, other than when they say things like "I

loved cooking even though no one really

knows if that's a choice or a training

She said she was married off when the man's family said "yes" because in her time, women weren't asked what they want - oh Sima, irony.

To be honest, she reminds me of many indian mothers, with unfortunately a lot more power to ruin many more lives than necessary.

SPECIALLY now that she's on fucking Netflix!

Watching the show made me realise it's not

that Sima is malicious, she seems to want

the best for her clients but the problem is - she IS causing harm

To society. To gender equality. To womens growth. To future generations.

This constant bias for men's walk-in-wardrobes but judgement towards a woman's desire for shoes, the toxic advice for women to "compromise, be flexible, stop being stubborn, adjust, don't have high standards is such bulshit & I'm appalled that

we're glorify it like this.

Sima is a big part of the problem, like thousands of other women that are enablers & carriers of patriarchy themselves because the system protects their beliefs.

Unfortunately, you & I can't always change the Sima's of this world.

What we can do is raise our own voices, create awareness, educate our parents, our partners, & our children. KnOw that marriage is NOT just "compromise" & definitely DON'T take advice from people that think "misogyny is culture" & the only way Aparna will be

respected for being head strong, sorry "stubborn" -is if she were born a man.

#BeTheAparna Of Your Own Story

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