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Saloni Chopra Sharing Bikini Photos on Social Media Handle • Lustvilla

Do you genuinely, truly see the problem though?

“We don’t respect the ‘hot’ women and we don’t respect the women we don’t find hot either. When it comes to women… the word ‘respect’ is categorically saved for personal relationships.

Every other woman is either fuckable...
or unfuckable.”


Rescued by a Feminist: An Indian tale of Equality and other Myths.

We can't have it both ways, can we? We can't say "what an ugly body, only hot women should get naked” while simultaneously saying "stereotypically hot women that expose their bodies are making young girls insecure" because that's the society we're currently creating ourselves. We've made “hot womxn" popular, successful, desired, and in the same breath we're saying "what a shame, these womxn are harming young influential minds."

I promise you, amazing womxn with real bodies and a voice will stand up and say “hey, look at me as well, this is real", and society will respond with "shut up and go work out, you're not even hot"

How do you not see the problem?

Contrary to popular myth that “women gain a lot of followers when they upload naked photos” - I actually lose followers.

Yup, a 1000 in 3 days. Usually, with every “controversial” photo another few hundred. 

But we weren’t here for the damn numbers in the first place, were we? We are here to leave an impact, to make people feel something. To inspire, to offend, to poke, & to educate. Numbers are secondary. 

Why am I here? Because my body is not a fucking political playground.

Do you know what’s happening in #Poland right now? They’re banning abortions. They’re banning-fucking-abortions. Every single article I read, makes me sick in my stomach. Makes me want to lie in bed & cry. But if WE lie in bed & give up then WHO’S GOING TO MAKE SURE WE’RE HEARD?

You’ve got to see why something so disgusting & regressive impacts the rest of our society. Abortions are part of our BASIC RIGHTS. These people aren’t pro “life” - they’re just pro birth & anti-women. They’re misogynists. Pro life humans would’ve been outside orphanages, NOT OUTSIDE ABORTION CLINICS.

Orphans/Childten are dying EVERY DAY. Yet no one cares, not pro life extremists, not the government, not the religious, & not the richest of the rich.

But an opportunity to control a woman’s body? We’ll take that with large fries and a coke, thanks!

My body, is not a political playground. From my censored tits, to my right to menstrual hygiene and my god damn uterus... none of it is up for debate. It shouldn’t be, it cannot be.

Women everywhere, get unsafe terminations done because abortions are either illegal and/or a taboo and a lot of men refuse to wear condoms because it doesn’t “feel great”. The #women that go on the morning after pills & birth control have insane amount of hormonal & mental health issues - & most of them don’t even have orgasms.

My heart breaks to see us live in this state. The women of Poland, women of India, women all over the world DESERVE BASIC RIGHTS.

#Abortion is a basic right to our OWN bodies. To our health. If men could get pregnant, we’d be handing them out for free!

Not going to let them snatch our spirits & our voice, not today.

#feminism #womensrights #polandabortionban

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