Bollywood News


Saloni Chopra Says " The only thing that needs a “LITTLE WORK” is your ability to live without interfering in women’s bodies, Buddy. | Lustvilla |

The only thing that needs a “LITTLE WORK” is your ability to live without interfering in women’s bodies, Buddy.

So I’ve been that girl, okay? Oh, do I know her like the back of my hand.

On one birthday, multiple nip slips & vomits later I bowled my eyes out in a washroom with my girlfriends, crying because I’ll “never ever look like this girl I’d just seen” - I’ll never be that skinny, or that tall, or that small, or that flawless. I cried (let’s acknowledge that birthdays are particularly hard because I’m just too hard on myself)

If you, reading this, have ever felt that way then this post - is for you.

This isn’t for the triggered assholes that can’t handle a woman being comfortable in her body, nor for the judgemental society that uses “health” as a way to fat shame, nor the relatives that think “beauty” is what gets you married & definitely not for the desperate fucks that wank off to my photos - consider that my charity work.

I want YOU to know that it’s OKAY to sometimes dislike the way you look. It’s also OKAY to not entirely be in “love” with yourself. We fluctuate the love. 7/10 days I love myself, but there’s those days when I don’t... & that’s okay.

We do our best with the cards we’ve been played, we do what we can, & we work towards a better tomorrow - say yes?

I’ve been the girl that let comments, messages, & whispers bother me. But today, I use it as content, to remind YOU - not to give a fuck.

The problem isn’t you, my love.
The problem is that we live in a toxic society where men are raised to abuse & destroy anything they don’t understand hence disagree with, & women are taught to simply agree with men.

That leaves you & me in a space where we’re either rebellious, wrong or just outright a threat to their power - sustain that threat.

A simple act like self love therefore becomes a radical feminist movement... as it should be.

It’s about time you tell them to shove their opinion where they can digest it themselves.

Don’t let the brutality of the internet, the conservativeness of society & expectations of families make you feel shit about YOU.

Fuck their mindsets, okay? I say trigger ‘em.

Not their पेट, not their बिज़नेस 


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