Bollywood News


What Saloni Chopra triggered her last post " here’s the important takeaway from WHAT WE’VE LEARNT " Lustvilla

So many men triggered by my last post! “He was just trying to give friendly advice - stop bullying him!”

Lol, here’s the important takeaway from WHAT WE’VE LEARNT:

Most men consider it their birth right to have a voice/word vomit/throw their weight around. “Just an opinion” - “so now he shouldn’t even talk??” - “it’s a public profile” - “he’s concerned about your health” are all LAME excuses. They’re simply trying to distract you from the reality: men should be able to speak whenever they please with zero consequences because HE is entitled to his opinion & women, should accept it - take up less space. 

“If you don’t want to be slut shamed then stop being a slut” LOL. You’ll hear that a lot in life - not your fault.

You might not notice but we genuinely live in a misogynistic society. From our parents to our neighbours to our partners - we’re RAISED & CONDITIONED to LIMIT women.
There are exceptions of wonderful people, but most of us are injected with misogyny from an early age.

We penalise women who love their bodies, women who speak up, women that show skin - because we don’t want women building empires/being successful/having control over their OWN BODY.

Think about it - we’ve sold women’s bodies for generations through porn, prostitution, & media, but we judge those women within the industry? We all know our men masturbate to them but we don’t want the women in our SOCIETY. We don’t want them in our HOME.

But we’re okay with the men in our homes?

It’s okay if her body is sold as long as it’s “against her will” - she shouldn’t LOVE showing it herself. She shouldn’t expose by choice. And she sure as hell shouldn’t be respected.

So we shame them, degrade them, give them no rights but we sure as hell don’t have conversations about WHY women’s bodies are in demand? Where’s the supply coming from? Of course, from our own fathers, husbands, brothers - our men.

However, men’s bodies aren’t in supply the same way. Men aren’t slut shamed either. Men don’t get “opinions” from women in comments every day, nor is their DM filled with vaginas. If she does speak up, she gets rape threats.

So yes, misogynists were triggered...
mission fucking successful⚡️

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